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Art & Film 

In addition to theater I dabble in mixed media arts and film art direction. Some of that work can be found below.
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Truck Fishing In America

Artistic Directors: Nick Bartleson and Alyssa Embry

Director: Shelley Delaney, DP: Matt Love, Assistant Director: Carrie Love. Lighting: Yaphet Jackman, additional prop work: Linda Di Bernardo

Truck Fishing in America was shot on location in the Outer Banks. Responsibilities as Artistic Director included: sourcing props, furniture, set dressing, set decoration, continuity tracking surrounding props/furniture, and other tasks. 

A unique aspect about this film was the usage of a sustainably and ethically sourced shark, which was cut into and gutted. It was a unique experience to reset a shark's guts for 5 takes. Not something I'd personally recommend.

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